Pomerantz Monitor, March/April 2013
In a previous issue of the Monitor, we discussed the relatively new concept in mergers and acquisitions of “don’t ask, don’t waive” provisions in standstill agreements between companies and potential acquirers. Under the law of Delaware and other states, the acceptance of a merger proposal by the target does not end the bidding process: directors must be free to consider better proposals that may come in after the merger agreement is signed, but before it is approved by shareholders. Bidders try to limit this risk by demanding “no solicitation” provisions in the merger agreement, preventing the target company from actively soliciting “topping” bids.
However, coupling the no solicitation provisions with the don’t ask, don’t waive provisions essentially locks up the deal from all angles. Don’t ask, don’t waive provisions, set in advance of the actual bidding process, prevent bidders from increasing their bid for the target company – unless specifically invited to do so by the target’s board of directors – and from asking the target board to waive the prohibition. If losing bidders can’t make a topping bid for the target, nor ask its board to allow them to do so, and if the target can’t solicit or even consider post-merger-agreement bids, the deal is effectively locked up once the merger agreement is signed. In such a case, even if the merger agreement provides a grossly inadequate price, a court will be reluctant to enjoin its consummation for fear of killing the only offer that is actually on the table.
Although in don’t ask, don’t waive situations the target can still consider unsolicited bids from bidders that were not part of the original bidding process and therefore never signed such standstill agreements, that doesn’t happen often. As we noted in our previous article, in the Delaware Court of Chancery’s recent ruling in the Celera Corporation litigation, Vice Chancellor Parson cast doubt on the legality of the combination of no solicitation and don’t ask, don’t waive provisions. “Taken together,” he said, these devices “are more problematic,” and that “[p]laintiffs have at least a colorable argument that these constraints collectively operate to ensure an informational vacuum” as to the best price reasonably available for the company, and that “[c]ontracting into such a state conceivably could constitute a breach of fiduciary duty.”
In two more recent decisions, the Delaware Court of Chancery revisited this issue and reached different conclusions. In Complete Genomics, Vice Chancellor Laster echoed Judge Parsons, explaining that “by agreeing to this [“don’t ask, don’t waive”] provision, the Genomics board impermissibly limited its ongoing statutory and fiduciary obligations to properly evaluate a competing offer, disclose material information and make a meaningful merger recommendation to its stockholders.” The Court then enjoined the merger pending certain corrective disclosures and prevented the company from enforcing the standstill agreement with a certain bidder that contained this “don't ask, don't waive” provision, allowing it, if it chooses to do so, to make a topping bid.
Three weeks later, in, Chancellor Strine expressed a different view, holding that “don't ask, don't waive” provisions may actually be consistent with directors’ fiduciary duties to maximize shareholder value. Chancellor Strine stated that he was not “prepared to rule out that [the “don't ask, don't waive” provisions] can't be used for value-maximizing purposes” as long as the purpose allows the “well-motivated seller to use it as a gavel” as part of a meaningful sale process. According to the Court, if the “don’t ask, don’t waive” provisions are assigned to the winner of an auction process, allowing the winner to decide whether to let the losing bidders make a topping bid (highly unlikely), rather than left in the hands of target’s board, the Court was “willing to indulge that could be a way to make it as real an auction as you can.”
If, on the other hand, the target’s board has the power to waive these provisions, and chooses not to waive them after signing a merger agreement with a buyer, there is “no reason to give any bid-raising credit” to this mechanism, “it has to be used with great care,” and the board has to disclose to its shareholders the fact that it continues to preclude certain potential bidders from making a superior bid for the company. Chancellor Strine cautioned board members employing don't ask, don't waive provisions to remain informed about the provisions’ potency, suggesting that a “nanosecond” after a definitive acquisition agreement was signed, he would have notified all parties subject to the provisions that they are waived, allowing them to make a superior offer.
The court ultimately enjoined the deal at issue because the board did not disclose that certain bidders were foreclosed by a “don't ask, don't waive” provision, emphasizing that shareholders must be made aware of these provisions' effect if the provisions are to be used.
The facts in differed from those in Complete Genome, among other things, because the “don’t ask, don’t waive” provisions were already waived by the time Chancellor Strine had to rule on the issue. Would he, too, have enjoined such standstill agreements following the announcement of a merger -- as was the case in Complete Genome? That remains to be seen.