Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of MiMedx Group, Inc. ("MiMedx" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: MDXG). Such investors are advised to contact Robert S. Willoughbyat rswilloughby@pomlaw.com or 888-476-6529, ext. 9980.
The investigation concerns whether MiMedx and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud or other unlawful business practices.
On February 20, 2018, MiMedx announced that its audit committee "has engaged independent legal and accounting advisors to conduct an internal investigation into current and prior-period matters relating to allegations regarding certain sales and distribution practices at the Company." MiMedx advised investors that "Company executives are also reviewing, among other items, the accounting treatment of certain distributor contracts." On this news, MiMedx's share price has fallen sharply during intraday trading on February 20, 2018.