Heather Volik focuses her practice on securities fraud litigation.
Prior to joining Pomerantz in 2019, Heather investigated financial crime as a Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel in the U.S. and Global Legal departments at HSBC. There, she focused on criminal and regulatory actions by the DOJ, FINRA, CFTC and SEC for actions by HSBC’s employees and customers within the financial marketplace. Heather was the U.S. Legal Representative for HSBC during the U.S. site visits for the Monitor review under the 2012 Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
Prior to joining HSBC, Heather was a litigation associate at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, where she worked on complex, high-profile class actions, derivative actions and government investigations.
Heather is active within the pro bono community, she is a recipient of the 2010 and 2011 Legal Aid Society’s Pro Bono Publico Awards. She also received the Safe Passage Attorney of the Week award for her work assisting an immigrant family receive legal status.
Heather clerked for the Honorable Charles C. Chambers, U.S. District Judge in the Southern District of West Virginia. The matters focused on challenges to the coal industry under the federal clean air and water laws, complex civil litigation and criminal trials.
Heather attended New York Law School, and graduated magna cum laude. She was an Articles Editor for the New York Law School Law Review and received the Professor Lung-Chu Chen Award for Excellence in the Field of Human Rights award. She graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.A in writing.
Heather is the author of Driving Down the Wrong Road: The Fifth Circuit’s Definition of Unauthorized Use of A Motor Vehicle as a Crime of Violence in the Immigration Context, 39 ST. MARY’S L. J. 149 (2007) and co-author of Immigrant Workers Project, 52 N.Y.L. SCH. L. REV. 561 (2006).
Heather is currently an elected member of the Kings County Democratic Committee.